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About Us

Sanaee Ghaznavi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities

We the members of Sanaee Ghaznawi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities, joined together in Northern California in 1382 (2003) to respond to the needs of our war-torn community. We function as a hub committed to enriching the social and cultural lives of Afghans , locally and globally. 


The Sanaee Ghaznawi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities is a civic association. Since its creation in 1382 (2003), the organization has functioned as a hub for collaboration among Afghans, to enhance their social and cultural lives. 

The Association, with the cooperation and assistance of its members, has been committed to improving the lives of Afghans within and outside the country. This commitment continues to drive its projects and initiatives. 


A collaborative hub of cultural and social engagement, locally and globally.

Our History

Sanaee Ghaznavi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities

The Sanaee Ghaznawi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities was founded on First of Mezan, 1382 (September 23, 2003 ) in Northern California. Since its inception, it has served as a hub for community collaboration, and has been dedicated to the social, cultural and educational enhancement of local and global Afghan communities. The organization began after Afghan refugee community members had an opportunity to visit their hometowns in the early 1380s. One community member, Eng. Zabiullah Zaca, returned from his visit devastated by the conditions that resource-constrained students and poverty-stricken families were experiencing in Afghanistan. He shared his experiences with his close refugee peers in California - including Mohammad Hanif Qawam, Abdul Basir Qudus, Abdul Malik Qudus, Mohammad Kabir Mohseni, Assadullah Noori, Abdul Rashid Shalizi, Mohammad Anwar Faizi, Amir Mohammad Salimi, Gulalai Rahimi, Moahammad Sidiq Salah and Kamaluddin Parwak. Determined to mobilize their local refugee community and improve conditions within Afghanistan, they laid the foundation for this association. In Dalwa 1381 (February 2003), the association had 12 founding members. By Hamal 1382 (April 2003), the first regional meeting by 25 participants was held where a nine member committee was appointed. They created a charter that reflected and articulated their commitment to two areas: (1) emergency assistance and (2) long term social, cultural and educational capacity building. A member of the organization Mr. Assadullah Noori traveled to Ghazni, Afghanistan to deliver the first round of financial assistance to local schools. On First of Mezan 1382 (September 23, 2003), the charter was ratified, and on Assad 6th 1383 (July 27, 2004) the Sanaee Ghaznawi Association of Social and Cultural Affinity was registered as a non-profit organization with the State of California. The organization through its members collaboration and community support, hopes to continue its efforts in making a positive impact for Afghan communities, locally and globally. It is intended that the commitment of this organization will contribute towards building a stronger Afghan community and better Afghanistan - a future of peace and prosperity where future generations can thrive.

Articles of Association

Articles of AssociationArticles of Association
Sanaee Ghaznawi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities

Articles of Association, containing three sections and 48 articles where all the activities have been individually cited and explained. It has been emphasized that all the supporters of Ghazni Province fulfill their responsibilities to that land through their financial and moral support.


Section One



Article 1: An association called "Sanaee Ghznawi Association of Cultural and Social Affinities" has been established in the Bay Area, Northern California.

Article 2: Since this Association is established as a nonprofit, non-political entity and does not have any political, ethnic or cultural (linguistic) affiliations and has no aspirations other than cultural and social well-being; it is named accordingly.

Article 3: The objective of establishing this Association is to improve the living conditions of our fellow citizens in Ghami culturally and socially by active participation of compatriots living abroad through this Association and the cooperation of similar associations in other areas.

Article 4: In the following articles, for brevity, only the word "Association" is used.


Section Two


Activities of the Association:

Article 5: Providing financial, scientific and humanitarian aid to educational, cultural and other social organizations in Ghazni .

Article 6: Securing the financial structure of the Association through membership fees and charitable donations of other organizations; also raising funds through organizing conventions, conferences, concerts, plays and other social events.

Article 7: Providing emergency funds for urgent and essential needs of educational and social establishments in Ghazni .

Article 8: Commemorating important national, religious, cultural and historic occasions.

Article 9: Cooperating with all similar organizations and associations (non-political and non-partisan) within the boundaries of objectives and principles of the Articles of Association.

Article 10: Attracting and encouraging the participation of all the people interested in culture and knowledge including philanthropists and those with altruistic feelings regardless of their sex, religion and ethnicity.


Section three

Organization of the Association:

Article 11: In order to facilitate its operations, the Association has three main bodies: General Assembly, Board of Directors and Board of Executives.

Article 12: The General Assembly is the highest body which makes the decisions.

Article 13: The General Assembly selects the Board of Directors and the Board of Executives.

Article 14: The General Assembly meetings are held regularly or on an emergency basis.

Article 15: Regular meetings will be held annually and emergency meetings will be held when requested by the Board of Executives or by a written request made by at least 50% of the members of the General Assembly.

Article 16: The General Assembly may hold regular meetings with the presence of two thirds of the members.

Article 17: Under emergency circumstances, the General Assembly can hold meetings with the present members.

Article 18: The decisions made by the General Assembly are executed by the Board of Executives

Article 19: In the General Assembly meetings, decisions are made by majority vote. The decisions are valid and enforceable only after being registered in the Decisions Registry and signed by the members ..

Article 20: Any changes or corrections in any part of the Articles of Association require an affirmative vote by at least two thirds of the members.

Article 21: Partial or complete lapse of confidence from the Board of Directors or the Board of Executives is only possible when their activities are proved to be against the spirit of the Articles of Association.

Article 22: The General Assembly meetings are announced in writing by the Board of Executives to the members one month prior to the date of the meeting.

Article 23: The General Assembly determines the amount of membership fees with the vote of majority.

Article 24: The annual membership fees may be changed in the annual meetings.

Article 25: Only the General Assembly is· able to dissolve the Association.


Board of Directors

Article 26: The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members and the duration of their appointment is for two years.

Article 27: The Board of Directors selects one of its own members as the President for a period of two years.

Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors:

Article 28: Monitoring the execution of decisions made by the General Assembly.

Article·29: Investigating the complaints regarding the performance of the Board of Executives.

Article 30: The Board of Directors selects two members of the Association as the Board of Supervisors (Controller). The duties of the Board of Supervisors are monitoring the activities of the Board of Executives and preparing a financial report for the Board of Directors.

Article 31: Members of the Board of Supervisors cannot be members of the Board of Directors or Board of Executives.

Article 32: Evaluating the report of the Board of Supervisors.

Article 33: Board of Directors is obligated to hold at least three meetings annually with the Board of Executives.

Article 34: Studying the annual proposals made by the Board of Executives (budgets, etc.).


Board of Executives

Article 35: The Board of Executives is the most important executive body of the Association. It consists of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and those in charge of specific committees.

Article 36: The Board of Executives is selected from the members of the Association. They are elected in the General Assembly meeting.

Article 37: The Board of Executives holds meetings once a month. In order to hold the meeting, the majority of the members should be present.

Article 38: The Board of Executives determines the place and time of the General Assembly meeting.

Article 39: The Board of Executives is selected for two years.

Article 40: The Board of Executives selects the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer from its own members.

Article 41: Members of the Board of Executives and the Board of Directors work violently and without any payment unless instructed otherwise by the General Assembly and according to financial requirements of the Assembly.

Article 42: Members of the Board of Executives and the Board of Directors may remain members of the Association even though they resign from their positions.

Article 43: The Board of Executives is responsible for reporting to the Board of Directors.


Duties of the Board of Executives

Article 44: Approving and confirming new members.

Article 45: Attracting and encouraging donations, charitable aids etc.

Article 46: Taking proper actions to collect the membership fees on time.

Article 47: Preparing financial report, balance sheet, and profit and loss report for the Board of Directors.

Article 48: Each member of the Board of Executives is responsible for one of the following committees:


    1.Financial Committee: Tis committee consists of a treasurer and a financial advisor.

    2.Committee of Charitable Affairs: This committee consists of an advisor and several members who        seek and collect charitable and financial donations.

    3.Committee of Relations: This committee consists of a number of specialized committees whose duties are to gather inf onnation and establish connections between Ghazni and other parts of the world.

    4.Cultural Committee: Performing and promoting cultural activities

This Articles of Association consists of three sections and forty-eight articles prepared in Dari, Pashtu and English. Each document is equally valid and enforceable. The Articles of Association will be released and enforced only after it is ratified by the General Assembly and gone through legal process,


Under the current conditions, the contents of this Articles of Association reflect the needs of the Association. In case of new developments and expansion of the Association, it might be necessary to generate a more detailed and comprehensive document to satisfy the association needs at that time.

Temporary Board Members and Authors of the Articles of Association:

Authorized Committees

Profile Picture
Name Surname
Eng. Zabihullah Zaca
M. Akabar Sayah
Miss. Roya
Eng. M. Kabir Mohseni
Organizational Committee
M. Hanif Qawam
Abdul Malik Qudus
Logistic Committee
M. Sidiq Salah
Logistic Committee
M. Zabi Faizyar
Logistic Committee
Zahira Noori
Logistic Committee
Eng. M. Anwar Faizy
Cultural committee
Kamaluddin Parwak
Cultural Committee

Articles of Incorporation

Artical of Incorporation.png
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